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Inspect, Treat and Prevent Wood Rot with AJ Construction!

Welcome back to another look at Ellen’s list of top trusted contractors! In today’s episode of Ellen Zetmeir’s I’ve Got a Guy series, Ellen will introduce you to Alan Johnson of AJ Construction as they discuss the importance of a thorough home examination and how to treat wood rot.

How to Inspect Your Home For Wood Rot:

Johnson recommends beginning with a full walk around the exterior of your home; examine the door frames, windows, and thresholds of your house before moving indoors to follow the same guidelines. Give a close look to the baseboards and basement windows especially. It’s best to inspect your home’s exterior about once a month – it can save you a lot of time and money if you catch wood rot from the start!

Watch for crinkled looking wood that indicates damage beyond “wear and tear.” If you see wood chipping off or coming out in chunks, you may have wood rot in your home.

Another problem area to watch for is windows without flashing. Flashing refers to a metal racket that fits over your window molds so that water can’t get behind or into your window frames. This metal ridge is not always present, especially in older homes, so be sure to inspect your windows carefully.

How to Treat Wood Rot in Your Home:

The first step to treating wood rot is to diagnose the issue – determine what is causing the wood rot. Is a crack allowing moisture into your window frame?

Secondly, it’s time to fix the problem! Johnson advises against using wood filler like many companies do; this “quick fix” tends to crack again, causing the filler to fall out and exposing the damaged area to further deterioration. Not only that, but this temporary solution allows the rot-causing fungus to enter the woodwork and frame of your home spreading the disease to other areas of your house’s structure. Improper repair can easily worsen and spread to the interior as well as the structural framing of your home! Yikes!

Call for help as soon as possible! Johnson’s professional and experienced team can quickly and easily replace the whole rotted area with properly treated wood or employ PVC. Using the appropriate methods will not only repair the damaged areas, but prevent further harm to your house’s framework.

Learn more about treating and preventing wood rot now! Watch Ellen’s interview with Alan Johnson and save your home from harmful – and expensive – fungus damage!

Ellen is your go-to gal for all questions about being a homeowner. Have concerns about your own house?

Make Ellen your first phone call! Whether you’re concerned about potential wood rot in your home or have other questions, Ellen’s got a guy for that! Contact her today!